This might come as a surprise to many of you, but sport in Rostock isn’t just about football and FC Hansa Rostock. There are loads of other great teams doing different sports who just aren’t the main stream’s centre of attention. But let me tell you they’re equally fascinating.
As I grew up in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, I got confronted with FC Hansa Rostock pretty early in my life. It’s the only club around here who used to be quite successful. That is probably why my dad and grandpa were Hansa fans as well. My dad went to most Hansa games himself, when he was in his twenties. While I can totally understand that kind of nostalgic view of a football club you grew up with, I have absolutely no understanding for the so called “fans“ (idiots) who get completely drunk and start fights every time Hansa plays. That is why I’ve never gone as far as to act on the urge to watch a game in the Ostseestadium (and never have up to this day).
Then, a few months ago me and my friends spontaneously decided to attend a Rostock Seawolves basketball match. The season had barely started, and we were curious what to expect. We were soon hooked, and after that we went to every home match we could make it to. It wasn’t just about the game itself: the Rostock Seawolves have an amazing fanbase which creates a thrilling live experience.
Even queuing is relaxed when you go to basketball matches. Everyone is just joining their friends, talking to familiar faces, and patiently waiting to get in. The whole event has a very family friendly atmosphere, you’ll see people of all ages. There are kids playing next to the field, there are the players warming up on field, and there are adults talking to each other.
Whereas I often experience Hansa fans being wasted even before the game starts, at the Seawolves game people just enjoy one or two beer and still act like civil people.

But there is another thing that I never really experienced while watching basketball, and that is hate against the opponents or the opposing fans. Mainly the fans are just cheering for their own team and being loud when the opponents are throwing a free throw. I really enjoy that positive mind set and that cheerful atmosphere. Of course, there is another one who’s adding to that mood: the team’s mascot “Wolfi“. The kids love him, the adults love him, and everyone’s laughing when he’s getting out the t-shirt gun shooting shirts into the audience.
A good basketball match can definitely light up your mood.
Well, now you know what fascinated me about basketball in Rostock. Stay tuned!