Beaches can quickly get pretty crowded in the summer heat, and laying around like a bunch of “Sardinen in der Büchse” (as we Germans tend to say in those situations), is not fun at all. So if you have had enough of fighting over a piece of sand as if it were the Holy Grail or the last tickets to a Beyoncé concert, take the train to Ribnitz-Damgarten West and change into the bus to Prerow .
If you are travelling with your bikes, you can take them along, if not you can rent some nearly everywhere in Prerow. Or you can hike, if you want to.
Because: about 36 paths take you from the small fisher town of Prerow (which you should also explore, if you have the time) to our own, perfect pirate’s beach. The Weststrand can only be reached by a small hike or bike trip through the beech forest. Therefore (as many people are too lazy to do so) it is never too crowded to find you own, beautiful silent spot. Now it may not have turquoise water and no Captain Jack Sparrow is laying around drunk, but you can definitely be lucky enough to find some small treasures there.
Take a walk along the shore and look out for amber, which is found here more often than in other places, or collect hagstones to craft a beautiful souvenir for friends and family at home.
Pick up driftwood for your dog and just enjoy the day without other people laying so close, they could touch your arms and legs if they just stretched a little.
But please make sure you carry enough snacks and drinks, as there is no opportunity on the Weststrand to buy lunch.
There are only two more tips I could give you, before I let you be a pirate and conqueror of a new world for a day: Firstly, please do not leave anything on the beach. It is a small, clean paradise for nature and human and it should stay that way. And secondly: if you want to take a swim, be very careful, there are no lifeguards in this area and the current is stronger as it might look. Keep an eye on your children!
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