Has your dream always been to turn into a detective? Well, in this case I have great news: it’s possible in Rostock!
Everyone is in the know of Peter-Weiss-Haus (PWH) near Doberaner Platz. You might not only have come across the name while looking for a place to go out on a Friday night, but also because of several educational or cultural events. In fact, PWH is quite huge! What was new to even me, however, is the so-called “Crypto-Raum”. This is where detective skills are put to the test. Let me explain:
You play a game called “Erlebnisspaziergang“. As the name implies, you go on a somewhat different excursion around Rostock’s lovely city centre. Your goal is to unravel 7 mysteries in order to save the world from … sorry, I don’t wanna say too much here! #nospoiler.
The thing is that you are travelling back in time and thus find yourself in the 18th century. To get along, you’ll be handed a map with directions and advice to watch out for “passing carriages” as you walk to the first hidden riddle. You’ll be equipped with an arcane leather bag, in which you’ll find hints after you unraveled mystery after mystery. But you’ll have to hurry up as time will be running out! You’ll have 2 hours to accomplish your mission to eventually save the world!
Sound fun? It definitely is I tried the game with 4 of my best friends, and we really enjoyed escaping everyday life for a couple of hours. Further benefits are that you’ll get to know Rostock and your friends from a different point of view. Being creative and communicative is mandatory to success in this game. But don’t be afraid, I’ve heard that everyone has hidden detective skills
Anyways, check out their homepage to find all the details you need to know. In my mind, it is definitely worth spending 30 bucks (for one group with up to 5 people) on this activity. Plus, it’s also possible to play in English!
If you’re open-minded for a new challenge, I would highly recommend trying it. Ahh, and by the way, “Crypto-Raum” also offers an indoor game, called “Live Escape Room“, which I would love to try asap.
I’m looking forward to your comments and experiences with the game – you can easily share your thoughts below. Maybe it’s YOU and YOUR friends who are gonna save the world today…?!
Cheers, Jules

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