Again with the quotes about life? But you gotta admit, life is indeed sometimes as hard and tough as a hoof, so we here in Germany say: “Das Leben ist kein Ponyhof!” (See what I did there? ‘Hoof’ and ‘Hof’? Eh?) What’s with the rhyming you might ask and wonder? Well, let me tell you about this ‘Ponyhof’ way over yonder! (And I promise to tame the atrocious attempts at rhyming, maybe.) So what is this ‘Ponyhof’ (pony farm) of which I speak? Is it a beautiful, tranquil and lovely place where folks in hay-coloured dungarees keep those little, four-legged friends on hooves? That kind of thing with those short-legged, equestrian beauties that didn’t want to grow out to be big horses? Right? Nope. That’s not the pony farm I’m talking about here: I’m talking about the ‘Ponyhof’ – the marketplace in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern for alternative arts and crafts galore! The place where creative people gather to exhibit and sell the fruits of their craft. If you’ve gotten past the entrance fee (don’t worry, it’s only 3€), you wander among craftspeople and their magnificent paintings, self-made jewellery, delightfully handpainted tiles … and sometimes postcards with a horse and a stick.

They have almost everything your artistic heart might yearn for and sometimes even a little more. The Ponyhof, however, tends to change locations from time to time, so you’ll have to look up where they’re at next on their website or on their Facebook page. It’s usually somewhere in Rostock or Warnemünde though so you don’t have to worry too much about getting there. And you might even find your newest, most precious piece of art in the end. Or this particular postcard [picture/link blind chicken postcard]. So, life isn’t a Ponyhof, indeed, but it’s certainly lovely anyway. (The only flaw I can detect amongst all the glitter, glory and great designs: they don’t have any real ponies. None. Nada. Zero. Zilch. Imagine the utter look of betrayal on my face the first time I stepped into this creatively crafted world of colourful… colours. So I bought a bunch of postcards instead to make up for it and that’s fine, too.)
(The only flaw I can detect amongst all the glitter, glory and great designs is that they don’t have any real ponies. None. Nada. Zero. Zilch. Imagine the utter look of betrayal on my face the first time I stepped into this creatively crafted world of colourful… colours. So I bought a bunch of postcards instead to make up for it and that’s fine, too.)