The Jaz – an acronym for Jugend Alternativ Zentrum (alternative youth centre) – has always been an important part of Rostock when it comes to alternavive music and lifestyles. Now, after nearly 2 years of renovation, the Jaz has eventually opened its gates again.
Nothing resembles the barrack the Jaz used to be. On the contrary the new building appears very modern and unsoiled. Despite its extravagant look, the club is still non-comercial. That means that the entry prices and the prices for beer are still moderate (1 beer = 1€).

What will you actually experience there?
Well, they offer a wide variety of music… such a wide variety that it would take me ages to list all the different genres (on top of that I’m not an expert on music. I could barely label half of the acts playing there). To cut things short: everything, which is not considered to be mainstream or charts music can rock in the stage in this club(like Dubstep, Drum ‘n’ Bass, Hardcore Punk, Metal and so on).

The main difference from the other locations in Rostock is that the Jaz is not only a club but also a youth centre. One of the most popular activities is the so called “Vokü” or “Volxküche”. Every Wednesday people meet there to cook and eat vegan meals together. Sometimes up to fifty people gather to enjoy these delicious meals, which are affordable for everyone.
Other events are for example workshops were you can get advice and tools to reapair your bike or computer.
If you are interested, you should really check out their website or their facebook page[mappress mapid=”213″].