Curry Haus Rostock
Price: €3,20 5/10
Appearance: not very good and not appetizing 3/10
Taste: 5/10
Ambience: 8/10
Employers: 8/10
Range: 10/10
The Curry Haus in Rostock is really something special, because you have the opportunity get you Kebab delivered directly to your home. So it was time to check what else it had to offer. The first thing you will recognize is the huge range of foods they have, not only Kebab but also Burgers, Pizza, Pasta and much more. But of course the Kebab was my target and so I ordered one in the evening. The bad weather made me wait for more than an hour, but the driver was really friendly and so I even overlooked the price of 3,20€ for the normal Kebab, which is a bit more expensive than the competitors like the Sterngrill. The initial good feeling about the Kebab, it vanished nearly completely when I looked at it. It was not really appetizing and looked flat and pressed together. So I have hoped that it tastes good. And what can I say: It was better than the outside. The meat was good and the vegetables okay. But there were also some more negative aspects. Sauces should have been spicy, but they have tasted more like air.
And the bread was bad, lax and had nearly no flavor. Maybe it was that bad, because it was delivered. I have to say all in all it was a bit cold already and didn’t taste fresh. The Curry Haus is situated near Doberaner Platz and you can also visit its restaurant, which has a nice ambiance. Maybe I will try to eat the Kebab the next time directly at the restaurant, but the delivery service is really a big plus. But maybe it would be wiser to try other some other dish, like burger or pizza.
Price: €3 8/10
Appearance: Large, Tasty and appetizing 9/10
Taste: 8/10
Ambiance: 7/10
Employers: 8/10
Range: 9/10
I have already been to the Sterngrill, but this time it was the special day to test their kebab. So I parked at Doberaner Platz and went directly into the Sterngrill which is really close by. The ambience is okay, but nothing unique. You couldn’t see if you are at the Sterngrill or at the Best Kebab. The price is €3, which is totally okay, because other kebabs mostly also costs €3. All kinds of vegetables are available and the sauces taste very unique and great. The people were nice and quick. After choosing my sauces I took my kebab and began my investigation. To comment first on the outside appearance: what a beauty I can say. Everything about this Kebab just looked so delicious: The taste of the bread, the smell of the meat and the look of the vegetables. But can the taste keep up with this appearance? Oh yes! The bread was crispy and not too lax. The meat was hot and the vegetables fresh. The tip of the iceberg were the sauces, spicy and tasty. This is how a kebab should be. The size was also just perfect and after the meal I felt really saturated and happy. If you ask me, the Sterngrill has the best kebab in Rostock.