Istanbul Bistro
Price: 8/10
Appearance: 8/10
Taste: 7/10
Ambience: 5/10
Employers: 6/10
Range: 4/10
Overall 38/60
To be honest, I was first and only attracted by the special offer (a Kebab for €1,99) of the “Istanbul Bistro” that is quiet unimposingly located on the Doberaner Straße (opposite to the the Radiologie on Gertrudenplatz). I went there around 11.30 a.m. and the food I saw was as fresh as it can get and very well arranged, it let the my mouth watering immediately. The offer is nice, but actually you get what you pay for. Even though the Kebab was really tasty, it was quiet small. Nevertheless the 7/10 in Taste is still justified, the meat was terrific, the salad as fresh as from the field and the bread was fluffy as a cloud. I chose to take away and eat the Kebab at home but the ambience of the shop is inviting as well. Their walls are quiet interestingly designed but it was nothing special. Besides they stored empty bottles and cans in the same area you are supposed to eat. My conversation with the employer was restricted to the typical elements of an offering in a Kebab-Place: “Me: One Kebab please! He/She: “With everything?” Me: “Yep!” If you´re not in favour of a Kebab you can choose half a chicken but besides that your opportunities are very limited.
All in all I have to say that this place shines when it comes to quality of the food and the price. So when you´re looking for a good price/value go for the “Istanbul Bistro” (and take away!).
Bistro Romana
Price: 6/10
Appearance: 3/10
Taste: 7/10
Ambience: 5/10
Employers: 5/10
Range: 5/10
Overall 31/60
I knew this place before, because they have offered the same 1,99 Euro Kebab as the “Istanbul Bistro”. This time, sad for me, they hadn´t had the offer. When I entered their Bistro I was quiet shocked…. it was a mess! It was 12.30 p.m. and it looked like they are not really ready for that day´s work. Tables were packed with stuff, crumbs on the seats and sauce on the tables. Usually I would have turned around but I decided to sacrifice myself for science and for you! It should not be in vain. The employers had an personal argument which added up to the bad impression of the shop but the one who served me was really friendly and tried to overcome my negative attitude. She stuffed my Kebab with meat, which by the way was really good, and apologized over and over again for the bad situation in the bistro. I ended up having a massive Kebab at a table that was cleaned for me. I do not regret that I´ve stayed there because the quality of the Kebab was good and for 3 Euro they stuffed me like a Thanks-Giving-Turkey.
At this point I like to point out that both the “Istanbul Bistro” and the “Bistro Romana” do not have any special services that would raise them above other Kebab-Places in the inner city. I´d like to emphasize, that places like the “Best Kebab” (which I will review later) and the “Curry Haus” (which is reviewed by Felix in the second Part of the Innercity Kebab Review) do have this specific services which let them outshine a little.
- Dodo Kebab