Christmas market, advent wreath, advent calendar, candlelights, christmas tree – all these things belong to a german christmas.
After the protestant church holiday on the last sunday of the church year, which is to commemorate the dead, nearly everybody in germany starts to decorate for christmas.
A lot of people have also a self made advent wreath which has got four candles.
The next sunday after the protestant church holiday you light the first candle and from there on you light every sunday one more. When you light the last candle it is nearly christmas.
Another typical thing, which especially kids love is the advent calendar. It has got 24 doors and from the first of december you open every day one door till it is christmas.
There are different kinds of advent calendars. The most typical ones are filled with chocolate, but you can get some with pictures or sayings as well.
These things are pretty typical for a german christmas. For me christmas means having some special time together with my family. Just some relaxed days full of harmony.
In the morning of the 24 of december we decorate all together the christmas tree. Later on we have some coffee and in the afternoon we go to the church. In the evening everbody gets his christmas presents and we having a delicious dinner together.
On the 25 and 26 of december we just having some nice family days, playing games, cooking together or going to the christmas market.
By the way I really love the one in the Kröpeliner Straße in Rostock. But you have to go there before christmas, because it is not open on christmas anymore.
But in Berlin are a few christmas markets, which are really lovely, which are still open on christmas.
So to all of you – MERRY CHRISTMAS or in german – FROHE WEIHNACHTEN