Remember when you were on a holiday as a child playing on the beach and found a very special-looking shell, a thunderbolt or even a small fossil? I bet you felt like the most important researcher to have made a ground-breaking discovery. But let’s be honest – when it comes to finding fossils and other little treasures, the child in us comes to the fore every time. I know that for sure because a few years ago I went to the beautiful Danish island Møn that has got lots of rocky beaches and I became the avid explorer again. So, the North of Germany is also a gateway to other great places where you can go exploring and get a similar feeling for thirst for adventure like when you were a child.
But where to find that mysterious island? Actually it’s just around the corner. Well, that might be a bit too exaggerated. You catch a ferry from Rostock to Gedser (on the island Falster) which takes 105 minutes, and then it’s about an hours’ drive to Møn. The first address to which you would have to go is the tourist center in Stege. It provides you with anything that you would possibly want to know about the island and its activities — because looking for fossils is not the only thing you can do there. Be it fishing, hiking, biking, canoeing, golfing, riding or even making your own candles or candy to take home. There are plenty of possibilities, and it is definitely never boring on the island! But even if you feel like it would be too much nature, peace and quiet, you can take off to Copenhagen and be there in just 90 minutes by car.
So if you’re planning to stay a bit longer in Rostock and its surrounding area, Møn is absolutely worth a visit.
One last advice: Don’t take too much baggage with you – you might need the space for all of the little treasures you find while being transported back to your childhood adventures!