Hello, my fellow runners. This is for sportspeople who enjoy nature, particularly forest and cross country running. This track is almost 5km long and pretty much in the nature. It is a mixture of wide sealed ways and narrow unsealed cross country paths.

You start at the end of the Schillingallee at the ice rink. From there, you enter the Barnstorfer Wald. Go right and follow a wide sandy path. After a few hundred meters you come to an intersection where three ways take off. Take the right one on a sealed way to run along a big meadow where (if the weather is good) you’ll always find people playing with their dogs, slacklining, playing soccer, having a BBQ or any other activity you can imagine. On the right hand side there is a little playground where you should go straight ahead. You will come to a street, cross it and go straight ahead. On the left hand side, there are some sports grounds where people play soccer, ultimate Frisbee or beach volleyball during the summer. Take the very first left behind the sports grounds (it looks pretty wild, but don’t be afraid, that is just for a little bit) and go straight ahead at the next little intersection. Now you pretty much have to go straight ahead. Here you find narrow cross country paths that can be a bit muddy sometimes (hopefully not like this). You also have to be careful about roots and holes and things. After a while, you’ll get to a street. Go left, cross the traffic lights and take the first left back into the forest. In this one there are heaps of sweet little paths that you can follow as you like. Just make sure that you go into the right direction. But you can’t get lost. Anyway, you’ll come to a street in each direction within round about a kilometre. So if you make your way through the forest in the right direction, you’ll come to a big intersection at the zoo. Don’t be afraid, this doesn’t happen very often. Go straight ahead, with the rails to your right and you will be back in the smaller park where you started. Follow the same directions as before, taking whatever path is attractive for you. At the end you have to take a little left and here you are, back where you started. This is just one example, there are heaps of other options and paths where you can go especially in the forest around the zoo. If you just want to go for a short run, stay in the smaller part of the Barnsdorfer Wald, where you started, without crossing any streets. That would be round about 2 and a half kilometres.
I hope, you enjoy the track as much as I do.

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