Do you like dancing? Do you like ice-skating? What about combining both?
If you want to become a part of Rostock´s phenomenal nightlife in winter and see another kind of “clubbing”, grab your ice skates and some friends and go to the midnight ice-skating (“Mitternachtseislaufen”) in the ice rink of Rostock which is at Schillingallee No. 51.
It takes place on every first saturday of the month from october – april. From 8 p.m. on, you can ice skate the whole night for only five euros per person. Don´t have your own ice skates? No problem! For only three euros you can rent them in the ice rink. The best thing is that you can listen to the newest hits played live, enjoy a wonderful lightshow and meet some new people while sliding over the glistening ice. Because of the great atmosphere everybody in the ice rink is relaxed and open for a small talk or for helping you if you if the ice was too slippery ;). So it is no problem to find some new friends while midnight ice skating.
Another great aspect is that you can bring your own food and drink with you, though it is also possible to buy some tasty things there. People bring soft drinks like coke, and things like sandwiches, crisps or chocolate. The content of your bags won’t be checked, but if you want to leave the ice rink without any injuries, please don’t drink any alcohol.
It is absolutely fantastic to stay in the ice rink till the end because from midnight on there are only a few people left, and it´s a great feeling to be as good as alone on the ice.
After this great experience take the bus “F1” at the bus station “Schillingallee” to get to the station “Saarplatz”. From this point on you can get to everywhere in Rostock because the four night busses stop there at the same time, so that you can easily change the bus. Visit the website of the “Rostocker Straßenbahn AG” in order to plan your trip beforehand.
By the way, most people come to the ice rink just to have fun, and only a few of them look really professional. So it is okay if you have never done any ice skating before – I also learned it when I was at “Mitternachtseislaufen” for the first time. At the beginning it is hard, but after a while it becomes easier and funny; you´ll never forget this experience! Ps. If you want to get a real impression of how the midnight ice-skating is, you should have a look at my video.
