Hey out there! You love the Californian cuisine including steaks, spare ribs and burger? Then the “Old Western” is the perfect restaurant for you! It’s located in the heart of Rostock near Neuer Markt next to St. Marien cathedral. I haven’t enjoyed a burger yet, but I definitely will visit the restaurant again. Let’s have a look if it’s something you would also like to enjoy. Let me know what you think about it! Oh, I nearly forget to tell you: if bio-food is what you’re looking for, the “Old Western” also offers organic steak. Sound good, doesn’t it?
Staff interview:
Introduce yourself and your business to our readers!
The “Old Western” is a family business with 200 seats inside and 70 outside. The restauarnt is full-time open and offers Californian cuisine – from B as in burger to S as in steak or spare ribs.
Why should people choose your place? What are your special attributes?
We offer an individual service and fresh, self-made food. Furthermore the atmosphere of the restaurant is very comfortable. Of course we also supply a lunch menu and monthly shifting specials.
What is the best time to come to this location?
We are open from 11:30 am to midnight. I would recommend to make a reservation between 17:30 and 21:30 pm.
What would you recommend to order? What are your specialties?
Our guests can enjoy every kind of Californian specialties. You’re free to choose what you would like to eat today.
Customer interview:
How did you find out about this place?
I’m a local and as I randomly discovered this restaurant, I absolutely wanted to check it out.
Have you been here before? – How regularly do you visit this place?
I have been here before and visit the restaurant up to 4 times a year.
What did you order?
I have ordered a steak and chicken wings.
Easiness of finding this place?
Good location for future plans?
Quality and Friendliness of staff?
Comfortable ambience?
Something you want to add?
Overall Score:
A “must-go” for every steak fan between ourselves. One of the best Rumpsteaks I have ever eaten
You have the choice to eat meat from different countries and in different sizes.. so anyone can treat his or her budget!